Monday, June 18, 2007

Random Stuff

Well, I seem to have overcommitted myself again this week. I keep telling myself that I'm not going to do it and then I look at my calender and woops! So, I've been trying to shift some things around which will make next week a little full, but not too bad.

Part of my over committment (the most fun part) is that I'm coordinating M & D's wedding. They got engaged in January and are getting married in October. They have the camp reserved and the dress bought and that's about it, so we'll have a busy few months, but it'll be really fun.

This weekend I'm heading to Ohio. J can't come cause he has to work on Sunday, but it'll be fun anyway. My hope is to see my friends who just move from Chi-town to Dayton last week on Friday then to head to Mom and Dad's. The main reason for my trip is see friends from Detroit and Pittsburg. My Pittsburg friend had a baby in February so this will be my (and I think my mom's) first time meeting this new little family member. :) Anyway, I'm looking forward to it.

Well, this is short, but J is in the kitchen doing dishes. I ought to be a good wife and go help him :).

1 comment:

Amy M said...

I didn't know you had a blog! How fun! : )